Punctuation: Quotation Marks Western Michigan University

The Chicago Manual of Style, explained University of Chicago News

If the quotation is a single word or a sentence fragment, place the terminal punctuation outside the closing quotation mark. When quoting a full sentence, the end of which coincides with the end of the sentence containing it, place terminal punctuation inside the closing quotation mark. (“I knew I wanted to come to WMU when President Dunn said, ‘We’re committed to your success.'”) Although they are usually unnecessary, single quotation marks also can be used in headlines that contain a quote or composition title. Spanish uses angled quotation marks (comillas latinas or angulares), with no space between the quotation mark and the quoted material. In most cases, a colon works best with a complete grammatical sentence before it. When what follows the colon is also a complete sentence, start it with a capital letter, but otherwise do not capitalize after a colon except where doing so is needed for another reason, such as for a proper name.

The word including does not introduce a complete list; instead, use consisting of, or composed of. Reference tags (…) are used to create footnotes (also called endnotes or simply notes), as citation footnotes and sometimes explanatory notes. All reference tags should immediately follow the text to which the footnote applies, with no intervening space.[u] Apart from the exceptions listed below, references are placed after adjacent punctuation, not before. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Adjacent reference tags should have no space between them, nor should there be any between tags and inline dispute and cleanup templates.

Proper name marks and title marks are primarily used in textbooks and official documents in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Early e-mail systems also used the exclamation mark as a separator character between hostnames for routing information, usually referred to as Chat GPTbang path” notation. The use of the exclamation mark is also needed when addressing someone and the addressing is a separate sentence. (typically at the beginning of letters, e.g. Kedves Péter! – ‘Dear Peter,’).[37]

Greetings are also typically terminated with an exclamation mark (e.g. Jó estét! – ‘Good evening.’). Several studies have shown that women use exclamation marks more than men do.

Style guidelines for still images are generally also applicable to equivalent questions regarding the use of audio and video media. Avoid addressing the reader using you or your, which sets an inappropriate tone (see also § Instructional and presumptuous language). Avoid writing and/or unless other constructions would be lengthy or awkward. Instead of Most had trauma and/or smoke inhalation, write simply trauma or smoke inhalation (which would normally be interpreted as an inclusive-or to imply or both); or, for emphasis or precision or both, write trauma or smoke inhalation or both.

Geographical or place names are the nouns used to refer to specific places and geographic features. These names often give rise to conflict, because the same places are called different things by different peoples speaking different languages. Many place names have a historical context that should be preserved, but common sense should prevail.

With dialogue ending a sentence, the period should stay within the quotation marks. This pertains to dialogue without parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence. As a rule, a whole publication would be italicised, whereas the titles of minor works (such as poems or short stories inside the collection) would be written with quotation marks. In Windows, if it is necessary to follow a space with a closing quotation mark when Smart Quotes is in effect, it is usually sufficient to input the character using the Alt code shown above rather than typing ” or ‘.

There is no space on the internal side of quote marks, with the exception of 1⁄4 firet (≈ 1⁄4 em) space between two quotation marks when there are no other characters between them (e.g. ,„ and ’”). However, quotation marks are needed inside wikilinks when the quotation mark is part of the link, or where the linked display text includes quotation marks indicating slang, nicknames, common names, or similar usage. Per the verifiability policy, direct quotations must be accompanied by an inline citation from a reliable source that supports the material.

The first quotation is a complete sentence and therefore gets an initial capital

letter; the second is not a complete sentence and hence receives no capital. Adding more dots and squiggles to this perfectly clear sentence would do

absolutely nothing to improve it. Quotes indicating irony, https://chat.openai.com/ or other special use, are sometimes called scare quotes. If such a passage is further quoted in another publication, then all of their forms have to be shifted over by one level. This is not common practice in mainstream publishing, which will generally use more precise kerning.


The following is an example of TeX input which yields proper curly quotation marks. The use of English quotation marks is increasing in French and usually follows English rules, for instance in situations when the keyboard or the software context doesn’t allow the use of guillemets. The French news site L’Humanité uses straight quotation marks along with angle ones. A sentence ending in an exclamation mark is either an actual exclamation (“Wow!”, “Boo!”), a command (“Stop!”), or is intended to be astonishing in some way (“They were the footprints of a gigantic hound!”). The colon (コロン, koron) consists of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line.

It is also similar to—and often used to represent—the double prime symbol. When the character is not easily available, a direct HTML equivalent is the   entity (em-space) which outputs the same fullwidth “ ” glyph. Quotation marks, rather than italics, are generally used for the titles of shorter works. Whether these are single or double is again a matter of style; however, many styles, especially for poetry, prefer the use of single quotation marks.

Other community standards

In Polish printed books and publications, this dictionary-recommended style for guillemets (also known as »German quotes«) is used almost exclusively. In addition to being standard for second level quotes, guillemet quotes are sometimes used as first level quotes in headings and titles, but almost never for ordinary text in paragraphs. A closing quotation mark, », is added to the beginning of each new paragraph within a quotation.

  • In vertical writing, it is placed immediately below and to the right of the last character, in a separate square if using genkō yōshi.
  • In this circumstance, British

    usage usually favours the writing of four dots, while American usage

    commonly prefers to write only three.

  • Some websites do not allow typographic quotation marks or apostrophes in posts.
  • Names in languages with no particular present-day or historical ties to the place in question (English excepted, of course) should not be listed as alternatives.
  • Quotation marks that are not automatically altered by computer programs are known as “dumb quotes”.

Unlike page headings, table headers do not automatically generate link anchors. Aside from sentence case in glossaries, the heading advice also applies to the term entries in description lists. If using template-structured glossaries, terms will automatically have link anchors, but will not otherwise.

Some implementations incorrectly produce an opening single quotation mark in places where an apostrophe is required, for example, in abbreviated years like ’08 for 2008. Straight quotation marks (or italicised straight quotation marks) are often used to approximate the prime and double prime, e.g. when signifying feet and inches or arcminutes and arcseconds. For instance, 5 feet and 6 inches is often written 5′ 6″; and 40 degrees, 20 arcminutes, and 50 arcseconds is written 40° 20′ 50″.

Note first that what is enclosed in quotes must

be the exact words of the person being quoted. Anything which is not part of

those exact words must be placed outside the quotes, even if, as in the last

example, this means using two sets of quotes because the quotation has been

interrupted. In Finnish and Swedish, right quotes, called citation marks, ”…”, are used to mark both the beginning and the end of a quote. Several punctuation marks have ranges of use that differ from the way they are used in English, though some functions may overlap. The first book to be printed with modern punctuation was Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy (中國哲學史大綱) by Hu Shih, published in 1919. Traditional poetry and calligraphy maintains the punctuation-free style.

Have fun playing science, maths, history, geography and language games.

When a colon is being used as a separator in an article title, section heading, or list item, editors may choose whether to capitalize what follows, taking into consideration the existing practice and consistency with related articles. In the material below, the term quotation includes conventional uses of quotation marks such as for titles of songs, chapters, episodes, and so on. Quotation marks are also used in other contexts, such as in cultivar names.

US is a commonly used abbreviation for United States, although U.S. – with periods and without a space – remains common in North American publications, including in news journalism. Multiple American style guides, including The Chicago Manual of Style (since 2010), now deprecate “U.S.” and recommend “US”. Create redirects from alternative capitalization and spelling forms of article titles, and from alternative names, e.g., Adélie Penguin, Adelie penguin, Adelie Penguin and Pygoscelis adeliae should all redirect to Adélie penguin. The rhetorical question mark or percontation point (see Irony punctuation) was invented by Henry Denham in the 1580s and was used at the end of a rhetorical question;[24] however, it became obsolete in the 17th century. It was the reverse of an ordinary question mark, so that instead of the main opening pointing back into the sentence, it opened away from it.[24] This character can be represented using U+2E2E ⸮ REVERSED QUESTION MARK. (also known as interrogation point, query, or eroteme in journalism[1]) is a punctuation mark that indicates a question or interrogative clause or phrase in many languages.

Italics are not used for major religious works (the Bible, the Quran, the Talmud). For example, World Union of Billiards is good as a translation of Union Mondiale de Billard, but neither it nor the reduction WUB is used by the organization or by independent sources; use the original name and its official abbreviation, UMB. Except in special circumstances, common abbreviations (such as PhD, DNA, USSR) need not be expanded even on first use. When no English variety has been established and discussion does not resolve the issue, use the variety found in the first post-stub revision that introduced an identifiable variety. The established variety in a given article can be documented by placing the appropriate variety of English template on its talk page. For assistance with specific terms, see Comparison of American and British English § Vocabulary, and American and British English spelling differences; most dictionaries also indicate regional terms.

As a form of transcription, direct or quoted speech is spoken or written text that reports speech or thought in its original form phrased by the original speaker. In narrative, it is usually enclosed in quotation marks,[3] but it can be enclosed in guillemets (« ») in some languages. The cited speaker either is mentioned in the tag (or attribution) or is implied. Direct speech is often used as a literary device to represent someone’s point of view.

Quotation mark

National varieties of English (for example, American English or British English) differ in vocabulary (elevator vs. lift ), spelling (center vs. centre), and occasionally grammar (see § Plurals, below). Articles such as English plurals and Comparison of American and British English provide information about such differences. These technical restrictions are necessary to avoid technical complications and are not subject to override by local consensus. Stand-alone list articles have some additional layout considerations. In the Vector 2022 skin, the table of contents is separate from the article content. In some older skins, a navigable table of contents appears automatically just after the lead if an article has at least four section headings.

Just make sure you stick to the same punctuation mark and don’t swap between the two. Japanese can be written horizontally or vertically, and some punctuation marks adapt to this change in direction. Parentheses, curved brackets, square quotation marks, ellipses, dashes, and swung dashes are rotated clockwise 90° when used in vertical text (see diagram). Straight quotation marks (or italicized straight quotation marks) are often used to approximate the prime and double prime.

If a particular romanization of the subject’s name is most common in English (Tchaikovsky, Chiang Kai-shek), that form should be used. Otherwise, the romanization of names should adhere to a particular widely used system for the language in question (Aleksandr Tymoczko, Wang Yanhong). Use gender-neutral language – avoiding the generic he, for example – if this can be done with clarity and precision. This does not apply to direct quotations or the titles of works (The Ascent of Man), which should not be altered, or to wording about one-gender contexts, such as an all-female school (When any student breaks that rule, she loses privileges). Brief quotations of copyrighted text may be used to illustrate a point, establish context, or attribute a point of view or idea. While quotations are an indispensable part of Wikipedia, try not to overuse them.

The symbol used as the left (typographical) quote in English is used as the right quote in Germany and Austria and a “low double comma” „ (not used in English) is used for the left quote. In English, spaces are used for interword separation as well as separation between punctuation and words. In normal Japanese writing, no spaces are left between words, except if the writing is exclusively in hiragana or katakana (or with very little kanji), in which case spaces may be required to avoid confusion. In Scrabble, an exclamation mark written after a word is used to indicate its presence in the Official Tournament and Club Word List but its absence from the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, usually because the word has been judged offensive. The frequency and specifics of the latter use vary widely, over time and regionally.

Character.ai is currently free and offers unlimited messaging, although there is a subscription plan to gain access to c.ai+. AWS Global Passport puts the full scope of AWS’s resources and AWS Partner programs behind some of the most exciting software companies looking to reach new customers and accelerate their entry into international markets. The AWS Passport Program will select growing software companies and provide tailored expert guidance, resources, and strategic support to help them clear the operational hurdles of global expansion.

Using a breakable space of any kind often results in a quotation mark appearing alone at the beginning of a line, since the quotation mark is erroneously treated as an independent word. The logical style is to include the mark of punctuation inside the quotation marks only if the sense of the mark of punctuation is part of the quotation. Capitalization in non-English language titles varies, even over time within the same language; generally, retain the style of the original for modern works, and follow the usage in current[j] English-language reliable sources for historical works. When written in the Latin alphabet, many of these items should also be in italics, or enclosed in quotation marks.

In normal text, never put a space before a comma, semicolon, colon, period/full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark (even in quoted material; see § Typographic conformity). Use italics for the titles of works (such as books, films, television series, named exhibitions, computer games, music albums, and artworks). The titles of articles, chapters, songs, episodes, storylines, research papers and other short works instead take double quotation marks. Concise opinions that are not overly emotive can often be reported with attribution instead of direct quotation.

EXCLAMATION MARK to allow software to deal properly with word breaks. Do not follow quoted words or fragments with commas inside the quotation marks, except where a longer quotation has been broken up and the comma is part of the full quotation. Do not place in quotation marks names of events (tailgate party, retirement reception), even if it is a unique event with a proper name (Bronco Bash). The title of a lecture is placed in quotes, the name of a lecture series is not (Sichel Lecture Series).

While these abbreviations are commonly used in standard English (although many English-speakers confuse the two!), more scholarly abbreviations of Latin terms such as nb or viz. Additionally, we never need to use the abbreviation, qv (quod vide), as terms that have their own articles can be pipe-linked in. If a sentence includes subsidiary material enclosed in square or round brackets, it must still carry terminal punctuation after those brackets, regardless of any punctuation within the brackets. There should be a space after a closing bracket, except where a punctuation mark follows (though a spaced dash would still be spaced after a closing bracket) and in unusual cases similar to those listed for opening brackets.

Editors use “invisible” comments – not shown in the rendered page seen by readers of the article, but visible in the source editing mode when an editor opens the article for editing – to communicate with one another. An HTML character entity is sometimes better than the equivalent Unicode character, which may be difficult to identify in edit mode; for example, Α is explicit whereas Α (the upper-case form of Greek α) may be misidentified as the Latin A. An article about Junípero Serra should say he lived in Alta Mexico, not in California, because the latter entity did not yet exist in Serra’s time. The Romans invaded Gaul, not France, and Thabo Mbeki was the president of the Republic of South Africa, not of the Cape Colony.

This is a comma before “and” or “or” at the end of a series, regardless of whether it is needed for clarification purposes. So, most articles aren’t closely related to any particular part of the English-speaking world. It is sometimes desirable to force a text segment to appear entirely on a single line‍—‌that is, to prevent a line break (line wrap) from occurring anywhere within it. Photographs and other graphics should have captions, unless they are unambiguous depictions of the subject of the article or when they are “self-captioning” images (such as reproductions of album or book covers). In a biography article no caption is necessary for a portrait of the subject pictured alone, but one might be used to give the year, the subject’s age, or other circumstances of the portrait along with the name of the subject. Text written in non-Latin scripts such as Greek, Cyrillic, and Chinese should not be italicized or put in bold, as the difference in script is already sufficient to visually distinguish the text.

Generally, avoid joining two words with a slash, also called a forward slash, stroke or solidus ( / ), because it suggests that the words are related without specifying how. Use an en dash for the names of two or more entities in an attributive compound. Dashes can clarify a sentence’s structure when commas, parentheses, or both are also being used. A sentence may contain several semicolons, especially when the clauses are parallel in construction and meaning; multiple unrelated semicolons are often signs that the sentence should be divided into shorter sentences or otherwise refashioned. Use italics for the scientific names of plants, animals, and all other organisms except viruses at the genus level and below (italicize Panthera leo and Retroviridae, but not Felidae).

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